Finding Relief: ERCP Treatment for Bile Duct and Pancreatic Disorders || TX Hospitals.


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Bile duct and pancreatic disorders can cause significant discomfort and lead to serious health issues if not properly diagnosed and treated. Fortunately, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) offers a highly effective solution for these conditions. If you're in Hyderabad, TX Hospitals provide state-of-the-art ERCP treatment by some of the leading experts in the field. Here’s everything you need to know about ERCP and how it can help you find relief.

Understanding ERCP

ERCP is a medical procedure that combines endoscopy and fluoroscopy to diagnose and treat problems in the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas. It allows doctors to see inside these organs and perform necessary interventions without the need for more invasive surgery.

How ERCP Works

  1. Preparation: Patients must fast for at least 6-8 hours before the procedure. Your doctor will advise you on any medications that need to be paused.

  2. Sedation: The procedure is performed under sedation or general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

  3. Endoscopy: A flexible tube with a camera (endoscope) is inserted through the mouth and guided down the esophagus into the stomach and duodenum.

  4. Cannulation: A smaller tube (cannula) is inserted through the endoscope into the bile or pancreatic ducts.

  5. Contrast Injection: A contrast dye is injected through the cannula, and X-ray images are taken to visualize the ducts.

  6. Intervention: Depending on the findings, the doctor may remove stones, place stents, or take tissue samples for biopsy.

  7. Recovery: After the procedure, patients are monitored until the sedation wears off. Most can go home the same day but should have someone to drive them.

Benefits of ERCP

  • Minimally Invasive: ERCP is less invasive than traditional surgery, resulting in quicker recovery times and fewer complications.
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic: ERCP can diagnose conditions and treat them in the same session, eliminating the need for multiple procedures.
  • High Success Rate: The procedure is highly effective for managing bile duct and pancreatic disorders, significantly improving patient outcomes.

Common Conditions Treated with ERCP

  • Gallstones: Stones causing blockages in the bile ducts can be removed.
  • Bile Duct Strictures: Narrowed bile ducts can be widened with stents.
  • Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas due to blockages can be treated.
  • Tumors: Suspicious growths in the bile ducts or pancreas can be biopsied and managed.

Top ERCP Specialists in Hyderabad

Hyderabad is home to several highly qualified and experienced specialists in ERCP. At TX Hospitals, you can find leading experts who provide comprehensive care:

Dr. DVL Narayana Rao

  • Qualifications: MBBS, MS, MCh (Surgical Gastroenterology)
  • Expertise: Known for his precision and patient-centered approach, Dr. Narayana Rao has extensive experience in surgical gastroenterology and ERCP procedures.

Dr. Rajasekhar Perumalla

  • Qualifications: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, DNB, FRCSED
  • Expertise: A seasoned general surgeon, Dr. Perumalla is highly skilled in performing ERCP and managing complex bile duct and pancreatic conditions.

Dr. B. Chetan Mahajan

  • Qualifications: MBBS, MS, MCh (Surgical Gastroenterology)
  • Expertise: Dr. Mahajan’s proficiency in surgical gastroenterology makes him a trusted provider for intricate ERCP treatments.

Dr. Sai Krishna Katepalli

  • Qualifications: MBBS, MD, DM (Gastroenterology)
  • Expertise: Specializing in gastroenterology, Dr. Katepalli offers advanced diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP procedures.

Dr. Lata Prasad

  • Qualifications: MBBS, MD, DM
  • Expertise: Dr. Prasad’s dedication to gastroenterology ensures high standards of care for patients undergoing ERCP.

Dr. W. Vinod Chahare

  • Qualifications: MBBS, DNB – General Medicine, DNB – Gastroenterology
  • Expertise: Known for his comprehensive approach, Dr. Chahare is adept at managing complex gastrointestinal conditions with ERCP.

Dr. Ajay Shesherao Shinde

  • Qualifications: MBBS, DNB (Medicine), DNB (Gastroenterology)
  • Expertise: Dr. Shinde’s extensive training and experience in ERCP ensure top-quality care and patient satisfaction.

Choosing the Right Clinic

When selecting a clinic for ERCP in Hyderabad, consider the following:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Ensure the clinic has specialists with a proven track record in performing ERCP.
  2. Advanced Facilities: Choose a clinic equipped with the latest technology necessary for successful ERCP procedures.
  3. Comprehensive Care: Opt for a clinic that offers a multidisciplinary approach, ensuring all aspects of your health are monitored and managed.
  4. Patient Reviews: Check patient testimonials to gauge the quality of care and patient satisfaction.
  5. Personalized Treatment Plans: Select a clinic that provides individualized care plans tailored to your specific needs.


ERCP is a vital procedure for diagnosing and treating bile duct and pancreatic disorders. With the expertise available at TX Hospitals in Hyderabad, you can find relief and improve your quality of life. Trust the top specialists, including Dr. DVL Narayana Rao, Dr. Rajasekhar Perumalla, Dr. B. Chetan Mahajan, Dr. Sai Krishna Katepalli, Dr. Lata Prasad, Dr. W. Vinod Chahare, and Dr. Ajay Shesherao Shinde, to provide the highest standard of care. Take the first step towards relief and recovery by consulting with one of these experts today.


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