Meet Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar: Leading Oncologist at TX Hospitals, Hyderabad


In the realm of oncology, expertise and compassion are paramount. Patients seek not only effective treatment but also a supportive and understanding healthcare professional who can guide them through challenging times. In Hyderabad, one name shines brightly in this domain – Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar, a distinguished Surgical Oncologist at TX Hospitals.

With over 13 years of dedicated service, Dr. Chandrasekhar has carved a niche for himself as one of the best oncologists in Hyderabad. His journey, marked by academic excellence and unwavering commitment to patient care, reflects his passion for combating cancer and alleviating the suffering of those affected by it.

A Journey of Excellence

Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar embarked on his medical odyssey by obtaining his MBBS degree in 2010. Following this, he pursued specialization in General Surgery, acquiring an MS degree. However, driven by a profound desire to delve deeper into the complexities of oncology, he further honed his skills with a MCh in Surgical Oncology.

Throughout his academic pursuit, Dr. Chandrasekhar's brilliance shone brightly, earning him prestigious accolades including Gold Medals in both MS-General Surgery and MCh-Surgical Oncology. These achievements underscore his exceptional aptitude and dedication to mastering his craft.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Chandrasekhar's professional journey is marked by a series of impactful contributions to the field of Surgical Oncology. As a Consultant Surgical Oncologist at TX Hospitals, Hyderabad, he plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive care to cancer patients. His expertise encompasses a wide array of surgical interventions, aimed at effectively treating various forms of cancer while prioritizing patient well-being.

Prior to his tenure at TX Hospitals, Dr. Chandrasekhar served as a Consultant Surgical Oncologist at other esteemed healthcare institutions in Hyderabad. His extensive experience has not only enriched his clinical acumen but also solidified his reputation as a trusted healthcare provider.

Patient-Centric Approach

What truly sets Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar apart is his unwavering commitment to patient-centric care. Beyond his clinical expertise, he is revered for his compassionate demeanor and empathetic approach towards patients and their families. He believes in fostering a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered and reassured throughout their cancer journey.

Book Your Appointment Today

If you or a loved one is facing the daunting challenge of cancer, rest assured that Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar stands ready to provide expert guidance and compassionate care. Booking an appointment with him at TX Hospitals, Hyderabad, opens doors to personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs.

Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow by entrusting your care to Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar – a beacon of hope in the fight against cancer.

For further information or inquiries, please reach out to us at 9089489089


In the realm of oncology, expertise, empathy, and unwavering dedication converge to offer solace and healing to those in need. Dr. Azad Chandrasekhar epitomizes these virtues, emerging as a beacon of hope for cancer patients in Hyderabad. With his stellar credentials, profound expertise, and compassionate approach, he continues to make a profound impact in the lives of countless individuals battling cancer.


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